DForesee® Joy — Early GDM Prevention
It’s better to be prepared
Pregnancy and motherhood can be the greatest joy in life! But worries are inevitable. Getting to know your risk of developing Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is easy with DForesee® Joy, our gestational diabetes test.
Developed to ‘keep you in the know’ with your saliva sample and personal health information, DForesee® Joy helps take care of your health before pregnancy, during early pregnancy and postnatal, something conventional blood sugar tests won’t reveal.
The results shall indicate:
Do you know?
The Implications of GDM
Excessive birth weight - may call for the likelihood of cesarean delivery or induced labour

For Babies:
Premature birth
Low blood sugar and episodes of hypoglycemia after birth - may cause seizures
Increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes and obesity later in life
Stillbirth though rare
Daily blood glucose testing and/or treatment with insulin injections
Increased risk of high blood pressure and preeclampsia– women with GDM are 7 times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life.
Increased risk of having GDM in future pregnancies
For Mothers:

Increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes
Target Groups
People with the following conditions
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How it works
Specimens will be sent to our testing center for analysis and the test will be completed within 14 working days.
Pregnant women should consult their doctor to undergo additional tests and update report as recommended.
Collect specimens at designated centers
•Oral cell specimen / blood specimen
Reports are ready and a personalized health plan is designed based on recommendations.
Pregnant women should consult the doctor about the details of the report.

Users's Experience
"DForesee® Joy helped me go through my pregnancy."
I was 35 when I prepared for my first pregnancy; I knew the process could be challenging. I had been informed that advanced maternal age brings higher risks of complications during the pregnancy and was worried about adding gestational diabetes to the mix. I consulted my obstetrician and asked if there were any preventative measures I could take to alleviate the risk. She suggested I take DForesee® Joy, a test suited to older pregnant women that could predict the risk of developing gestational diabetes and ordered one for me.
The results indicated that I was at high risk of developing gestational diabetes. I was pregnant shortly after and my obstetrician commissioned an early oral glucose tolerance test to follow-up, which showed that my readings were at the borderline of the lower limit. I was thus instructed to measure my blood sugar regularly and life was fine despite the changes I had to make to manage my condition. I gave birth to a beautiful boy. I am really thankful that my condition was detected early so that I could receive the care and monitoring I needed – it was all possible thanks to DForesee® Joy and its accurate predictive insights.
*This story is inspired by our users' experiences and feedbacks and is presented here as illustration. Since each patient is unique, our services should not be seen in any way as guaranteeing outcomes.

United Kingdom National Health Service. (2019, August 6). Overview gestational diabetes. Health A-Z. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/gestational-diabetes
Bellamy L, Casas JP, Hingorani AD, Williams D. Type 2 diabetes mellitus after gestational diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis._Lancet. 2009;373(9677):1773-9.