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單基因糖尿病測試 MD35 精準識別早發性糖尿病

Precisely Identify Young-onset Diabetes

Monogenic Diabetes Panel | MD35 —
Accurately Identifies Early-Onset Diabetes

Did you know?

Children with Diabetes are Easily Misdiagnosed 

Since type 1 diabetes is commonly found in children and youth, most children will be diagnosed with type 1 diabetes after the onset of the disease. However, not all children with diabetes suffer from type 1, which is why many children with monogenic diabetes are misdiagnosed. According to data, 80% of patients with Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY) are misdiagnosed, a situation which can cause diabetic children to miss out on optimal treatments. 

Unraveling the Mystery of Childhood Diabetes 

Among diabetic patients, about 4% are diagnosed before the age of 30. Monogenic diabetes is another type of childhood diabetes in addition to type 1 diabetes. A subtype of diabetes, monogenic diabetes is caused by mutations in a single gene. MODY is the main type of monogenic diabetes. Generally diagnosed in late childhood to adulthood, it accounts for 1-2% of diabetic patients.

The differences between the cause and treatment of type 1 diabetes and MODY monogenic diabetes:


Cause: Body cannot produce insulin due to autoimmune problems

Treatment: Insulin injection


Cause: Single gene mutation

Treatment: Depends on types of MODY. Some patients will get better by simply changing their lifestyle or taking oral medications, while others will require insulin injections.


Precise Classification Means Precise Treatments Are Possible 

Correct classification of subtypes is essential in children and youth with diabetes. MD35 precisely identify the specific type of MODY to help doctors determine MODY patients’ need and the most appropriate treatment, including changes in medications such as replacing insulin with oral drugs. Patients can benefit from personalized treatment, be informed of their prognosis and family planning.

Since most children of MODY patients have a 50% chance of inheriting that same gene mutation, it is recommended that patients diagnosed with monogenic diabetes undergo extended family screening and/or immediate family screening to understand the risk of family members inheriting MODY. 

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Target Groups

Diabetes patients with the following conditions

Complete Your Journey with GemVCare

How it works

Specimens will be sent to our testing center for analysis and the test will be completed within 50 working days.
Depending on your test results, your family may also need to be tested to help identify their health conditions early. 
Collect specimens at designated centers

•Oral cell specimen / Blood specimen

Reports will be explained by your healthcare provider and an appropriate disease management plan will be designed accordingly.  
    Users's Experience
"Thanks to MD35, my son can live like a normal kid."

My son has been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at a young age. As a diabetic child, his life has always been a little different from his peers. Since receiving insulin treatment, he cannot leave the house without his insulin pen. He underwent many different therapies but his condition never improved much.

While diabetes runs in our family, and we have several diabetic patients among us, his condition does not exactly match typical clinical presentations seen in common types of diabetes. It all changed when our endocrinologist suggested that he should get tested for Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY) – a type of young-onset diabetes caused by a single gene mutation. 

When he tested positive for a known MODY mutation, we realised he has been misdiagnosed as Type 1 diabetes since childhood. MD35 shed light on my son’s diagnosis and prompted our endocrinologist to change his treatment. Now my son uses oral medications to keep his blood sugar levels under control and rarely suffers episodes of low blood sugar. Despite being a diabetic child, he can still live normally and is now able to follow his friends everywhere.

*This story is inspired by our users' experiences and feedbacks and is presented here as illustration. Since each patient is unique, our services should not be seen in any way as guaranteeing outcomes.​

單基因糖尿病測試 MD35 客戶分享
          Mrs Lam and Her Son


  1. Shields BM, Shepherd M, Hudson M, McDonald TJ, Colclough K, Peters J, Knight B, Hyde C, Ellard S, Pearson ER, Hattersley AT. Population-Based Assessment of a Biomarker-Based Screening Pathway to Aid Diagnosis of Monogenic Diabetes in Young-Onset Patients. Diabetes Care. 2017;40(8):1017-1025.

  2. Carroll RW, Murphy R. Monogenic Diabetes: A Diagnostics Algorithm for Clinicians. Genes. 2013;4(4):522-535

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